At Adepte, we don’t simply inform learners of what they could do, based on only one aspect of who they are, but we look at each unique individual holistically. We assess their personality, interests, values and potential and listen to their concerns, their situation, and goals. We want to empower the individual to leverage their strength and grow.

We provide a variety of instruments and custom battery of assessments to assist in illuminating different spheres of life.

Adepte @ Subject Selection

Early highschool is an important time in the life of every learner. In order to make the right choice of subjects, learners should know their unique talents and potential, and the career path they wish to pursue after school. Their subject choice will determine the field of study learners can follow once they complete school. At Adepte we help make this decision easy. By looking at your cognitive potential, we can help you plan for the future, so you don't face obstacles after school when pursuing your dreams.

Adepte @ Career Pathing

Before choosing your career path you need to really know yourself. What are your values, interests, skills as well as personality traits? Each individual is unique. Depending on these important factors, some career choices will be a better fit for you. Let us help you set yourself up for success, by providing valid and reliable feedback from our assessments, so you can find the career that matches your unique characteristics.

Adepte @ Personal Development

In order to build on and develop your capabilities and potential you need to have a firm understanding of your strengths, as well as areas that need development in your life. If you are feeling stuck in your career; want to enhance your quality of life; want to improve your employability; or looking for ways to achieve your dreams; then contact us so we can assist you in your journey of self improvement.