Adepte @ Subject Selection


Early highschool is an important time in the life of every learner. In order to make the right choice of subjects, learners should know their unique talents and potential, and the career path they wish to pursue after school. Their subject choice will determine the field of study learners can follow once they complete school.

At Adepte we help make this decision easy. By looking at your cognitive potential, we can help you plan for the future, so you don’t face obstacles after school when pursuing your dreams.

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Early highschool is an important time in the life of every learner. In order to make the right choice of subjects, learners should know their unique talents and potential, and the career path they wish to pursue after school. Their subject choice will determine the field of study learners can follow once they complete school.

At Adepte we help make this decision easy. By looking at your cognitive potential, we can help you plan for the future, so you don’t face obstacles after school when pursuing your dreams.

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Comprehensive report with 60 minute feedback session, Summary report with 30 minute feedback session, No feedback